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2020/4/22 14:52:39发布163次查看

2017/10/21ielts考试|雅思听力机经(超强版)-  小站教育预测机经出炉,需要本期雅思考试机经的同学们,可以右下角在线索取,老师免费发送!
雅思机经     雅思考试     雅思机经
  some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. however,other people think that zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. discuss bothviews and give your own opinion. (动物保护)
  拓展:(动物能否用于药品)to ban animal experiments would be toparalyse modern medicine , to perpetuate human suffering ,and to endanger humanhealth by allowing products such as insecticides onto the market before testingthem for toxicity .
  some people think pollution and damage of environment are resulted from a countrydeveloping and becoming richer, which this is hard to be avoided. towhat extent do you agree or disagree?
  environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual peopleto address. we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environmentis to address it at an international level. to what extent do you agree ordisagree with this statement?
  some people think they have right to use as much freshwater as they want,others believegovernments should tightly control the use of fresh water as it is limitedresource. discuss
topic: describe an electronic machine you want to buy.
  you should say:
  what it is
  when you know this machine
  what specific features you want and explain why you want this machine.
  let me tell you about the electronic machine that i’d like to buy lately. it’s just a mac mini, produced by apple. i first saw it in the apple online store when i was buying the latest iphone there last april.
  it’s very small, nearly as portable as notebook, and can be taken away in my bag. besides, it’s very energy-efficient which means that it can be running in my room all day long very quietly. so i won’t be bothered by the noise compared with other computers. moreover, the cover of the machine can be removed so that it’s very convenient to upgrade the memory myself.
  while the small computer is so light-weighted, it’s still very powerful to deal with various hard tasks. with the latest intel processor and the large amount of memory, its performance is improved much greatly. i want to buy it and put it in the corner of my room, letting it be running day and night to provide home sharing services of movies, music and pictures for my whole family.
  1. tell me about the typical homework you had to do in high school.
  every day students get set homework by the teacher. it’s really tiring having to do work every single night! most of the questions are boring to be honest. they’re mostly geared towards getting you to practice what you learnt in school that day. sometimes it’s so boring it can be something as boring as just copying an article. it’s designed to make you remember facts rather than use your brain actively. this is a terrible way to learn! all it does it make you remember things; it doesn’t make you more educated or more intelligent. more interesting homework like essay writing or creative projects would be much more useful.



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