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2019/12/27 11:37:55发布163次查看
the small bmw mixer and the road mixer use the cummings engine. both hydraulic and hydraulic motors are imported from internationally renowned companies. the sides of the subgrade should be mixed vertically. the overlap width of each mixture should not be less than 50cm. the mixing depth of the pavement mixer shall be 5 to 10mm below the top surface for the two layers to be bonded up and down. it has the advantages of compact structure, small noise, convenient maintenance and low exhaust volume. it is strictly forbidden to have a layer of pure soil at the bottom of the mixed layer. usually, it should be mixed more than two times. when mixing, special personnel should be assigned to dig the pit at any time and place, check whether the mixing is good, and check whether it is mixed together. the working device uses a closed system consisting of a variable pump and a quantitative motor. any examination found that the mixture was inhomogeneous or not mixed to the bottom. it must be mixed in time. the edge of the machine must not be mixed with man. the transmission efficiency is high, the noise is low, and the power automatic distribution can be realized. easy to operate, flexible, safe and reliable, it is your ideal choice.
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